Sgraffiti in the Ribeira Sacra and the Way of St. James

Mar López Sotelo - libro

This Monday we had the pleasure of hosting the presentation of the book by Galician researcher Mar López Sotelo: Esgrafiados en la Ribeira Sacra y el Camino de Santiago. Works of art and symbolism on the walls.

Published by Agrasar Editores, this fantastic research highlights the sgraffito technique as a characteristic element of the heritage of the Ribeira Sacra and the Way. 

Through an exhaustive comparative study, the author concludes that there is a distinctly Galician style in the use of this technique and claims it as a historical heritage that we should value and care for. In the words of the author, there is a "Galician style of sgraffito"..

Mar López Sotelo - Esgrafiados

The presentation of the research also opened a fantastic and extensive photographic exhibition in which visitors will be able to contemplate and enjoy this ornamental technique. Those interested will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of the book in the exhibition hall itself (also available at the Agrasar website).

Held in the exhibition hall of the Coworking and Business Centre Campus Stellae, the event has also been collaborated by Apatrigal (Asociación para a defensa do Patrimonio Cultural Galego) and COAG (Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia).

Mar López Sotelo - Esgrafiados





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