The Erasmus+ program


What is The Erasmus+ program?

Erasmus+ is the UE program for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It was established in 1987  offering universty students a possibility of studying or doing an internship abroad in another country. It lasts for a period of maximum 12 months per cycle of studies.

The Erasmus+ program also offers high school institutions the possibility of sending students and staff abroad to other participating countries or partner countries. There, they can study, teach or give training courses at participating institutions or to take part in an intership.

Furthermore, The Erasmus+ programme grant comprises a share funded by the European Union and a contribution provided by the MUR (or the equivalent institution in your country). European Union contribution (amounts for aa 2022/23): €250, €300 or €350 per month of mobility. The contribution varies according to the country of destination.

To apply for the Erasmus program, you have to submit an applicaion on the appropriate form. It must be done by the deadline specified by the university or school in it's call for applications published each year between January and April. Usually, you must have sufficient language skills in the host country to be accepted.

For further information you can check out the following link: Erasmus+

Internship with us

Students from different countries and schools have the chance to do an internship with us thanks to the erasmus + project.
By participating in this experience, students have the opportunity to be in an environment where they can put into practice the knowledge and skills they learn at school. They can also have a better understanding of workplace culture and learn how the job they will do in the future works.

In addition, an internship with us not only allows the students to learn about the work they do but also gives them the unique opportunity to explore the historical centre thanks to our location in the core of the city. It also allows them to learn about a new culture that may be very different from their own which is an equally important thing to gain from this experience.

For more information on how to do an internship with us check out the following link: Crejob

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